So last year I blinked into the bright sunlight outside of.....(hmmm how is a nice way to phrase it??)....Jail? Slammer? Pen? Personally my friends and I had all referred to it as "Summer Camp 2008", but really the semantics are beside the point. Have you ever started all over? And I mean ALL over; new jobs, new friends, new romances, new houses, new pain, new challenges? Every single thing you're doing is so new, so foreign, and so far off the track you'd been chugging down for, oh some 27-odd years, that you literally have no idea where to start? If so, then hello my kindred spirit, it's lovely to meet you.
That's where my Comeback Tour started. I had to hustle, and while I'm a pretty good hustler, I had to start workin' it like a paid lover with the rent past due. I was looking at my husband halfway out the door, my career far behind me in terms of options, and an actual question of where I was going to live and for how long. Now, I won't lie, I had some resources lots of people are not so lucky to have--and that's the greatest network of friends and family that anyone has every had--but it didn't make these issues any less real. It didn't make any of it less scary. To be sitting here typing one year later is honestly shocking at times, because on THAT day, the tour kick-off day, I was pretty certain I'd be curled up in the fetal position for a long, long time.
I thought that after the things I've been through, brought on myself, stumbled into, and somehow survived with the ability to make jokes, I should open up about the fact that it's not easy. Anyone starting over, in any situation, no matter how big or small, is feeling to some degree what I've been feeling for 12 months now. Maybe making them feel less lonely is enough good karma to put out there for today. While I'll never be able to repay what I owe, it's a start. Everyone should start. So.....My name is Ms. Busy and Important, and I'm starting. Hello, Ms. Busy and Important! (that's your line)